Creating View Model Properties with XamRight 1.646

We are thrilled to announce the latest version of XamRight, version 1.646, which has a lot of fixes and improvements across the product, as well as a major feature – creating a new property in the view model when editing the Xaml view. XamRight was developed to recognize a wide variety of ways that viewContinue reading “Creating View Model Properties with XamRight 1.646”

Deep Dive into LayoutOptions in Xamarin.Forms Part 2 (Grids)

In a previous post, I started methodically working through how LayoutOptions work inside different containers.  In this post, that topic is continued, detailing the interactions between LayoutOptions and Grid. While LayoutOptions values on child views of Grids do aid in positioning the views, LayoutOptions values do not have the same amount of control over theContinue reading “Deep Dive into LayoutOptions in Xamarin.Forms Part 2 (Grids)”

Have I Reached the End of my ListView?

Building on a previous post about seeing how a user interacts with a ListView in Xamarin.Forms, the next question is, “Has the user scrolled to the end?”  This can be useful, for instance, if the user is scrolling through a long feed of data, and only a portion is returned at a time.  When theContinue reading “Have I Reached the End of my ListView?”