Tab Retap in Xamarin.Forms, Now With Icons!

A while back, I wrote about how to handle reselecting/retapping of tabs in a Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage (covering iOS and Android in part 1 here and UWP and NavigationPage in part 2 here).  The basic problem is that app designs frequently want to react to a user selecting the already-active tab on a TabbedPage — reselecting,Continue reading “Tab Retap in Xamarin.Forms, Now With Icons!”

Getting whitespace right with Roslyn CSharpSyntaxRewriter

Most agree that Roslyn is a great C# code analysis and refactoring tool. One particularly powerful tool Roslyn has is it’s CSharpSyntaxRewriter [1]. The rewriter allows you to walk down the namespaces and classes of a project and add and edit code where necessary. While the documentation here [2] and the RoslynQuoter [3] can comeContinue reading “Getting whitespace right with Roslyn CSharpSyntaxRewriter”