XamRight: 95% Effectiveness in Binding Analysis

A central component of XamRight is it’s ability to analyze apps to match views, bindings, view models, and properties without any configuration. This analysis powers bug detection, Xaml autocomplete, and other handy features in daily Xamarin development.

When we last published our benchmarks, XamRight achieved 88% effectiveness against the suite of open source Xamarin.Forms apps we had been using.

With the latest release (1.876), we’ve increased the size of our test suite by about 20%, and the effectiveness of analysis is now over 95%!

Name Source code Xaml Bindings Bindings Resolved Effectiveness
Xamarin CRM https://github.com/xamarin/app-crm 130 123 94.62%
Arc GIS https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-runtime-samples-dotnet 99 99 100.00%
Xamarin Conference https://github.com/xamarinhq/app-conference 263 255 96.96%
Conference Vision https://github.com/Microsoft/ConferenceVision 38 36 94.74%
SmartHotel 360 https://github.com/Microsoft/SmartHotel360-mobile-desktop-apps 212 209 98.58%
Xamarin Sport https://github.com/xamarin/Sport 228 198 86.84%
Coffee Cups https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/app-coffeecups 28 28 100.00%
Hunt https://github.com/rob-derosa/Hunt 80 80 100.00%
My Shoppe https://github.com/xamarinhq/app-myshoppe 84 82 97.62%
Nethereum Wallet
(Uses MvvmCross)
https://github.com/Nethereum/Nethereum.UI.Wallet.Sample 67 67 100.00%
Money Fox
(Uses MvvmCross)
https://github.com/MoneyFox/MoneyFox 360 356 98.89%
Currency Exchanger https://github.com/yanxiaodi/CurrencyExchanger 72 72 100.00% Tailwind Traders https://github.com/Microsoft/TailwindTraders-Mobile 76 65 85.53% Mobile Kids Id App https://github.com/HTBox/MobileKidsIdApp 116 97 83.62%
Overall 1853 1767 95.36%

We’re proud of these results, and plan to keep improving. There is no other tool available that can match this ability to automatically understand your app’s approach to MVVM – streamlining the Xaml development experience.

Please let us know if there are additional apps we should include in our testing.


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