Program analysis for XAML

Xamarin.Forms is a great platform for building a wide range of apps. XAML and data binding make layouts a lot clearer than writing it in C#, and it saves a ton of code. But the development process has some gotchas that wouldn’t be there in a pure C# app. When working in C#, you getContinue reading “Program analysis for XAML”

Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 2

In Part 1, we created a Forms project with iOS and Android targets that adds a tab reselect/double-tap event to Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage. There are two things left: handling UWP, and dealing with NavigationPage. Tab Reselect for UWP The underlying control for TabbedPage on UWP is the Pivot, and as far as I can tell, thereContinue reading “Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 2”

Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 1

It’s getting to be pretty common these days to have an app with tab navigation to assign some special meaning to tapping on the active tab selector again — often something like pop to the root of the navigation stack, scroll to the top or load fresh content.  Unfortunately, Xamarin.Forms does not expose a wayContinue reading “Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 1”