Disappearing SearchBar for Xamarin.Forms

Many apps with lists now allow the search bar to disappear while scrolling down the list, then reappear whenever the user starts to scroll back up.  That isn’t possible out of the box with Xamarin.Forms.  Instead we can either: Insert the SearchBar in the ListView.Header so it disappears when scrolling down the list, but itContinue reading “Disappearing SearchBar for Xamarin.Forms”

Observing ListView Scrolling in Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms ListView gives some nice flexibility in how lists are displayed, but has some limitations in observing user interaction. In a recent project, I had a couple of things I wanted to know: Is the user scrolling up or down? Is the user at the start of the list? What I needed was more orContinue reading “Observing ListView Scrolling in Xamarin.Forms”

Key Value Observing (KVO) on iOS for Xamarin

For developers coming to Xamarin from the native iOS world, this is probably old news. But for those of us coming from a different direction, read on for a handy way to work with native iOS controls. The iOS (and macOS) runtimes have a built-in property notification system, somewhat analogous to INotifyPropertyChanged in .NET, KeyContinue reading “Key Value Observing (KVO) on iOS for Xamarin”

Program analysis for XAML

Xamarin.Forms is a great platform for building a wide range of apps. XAML and data binding make layouts a lot clearer than writing it in C#, and it saves a ton of code. But the development process has some gotchas that wouldn’t be there in a pure C# app. When working in C#, you getContinue reading “Program analysis for XAML”

Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 2

In Part 1, we created a Forms project with iOS and Android targets that adds a tab reselect/double-tap event to Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage. There are two things left: handling UWP, and dealing with NavigationPage. Tab Reselect for UWP The underlying control for TabbedPage on UWP is the Pivot, and as far as I can tell, thereContinue reading “Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 2”

Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 1

It’s getting to be pretty common these days to have an app with tab navigation to assign some special meaning to tapping on the active tab selector again — often something like pop to the root of the navigation stack, scroll to the top or load fresh content.  Unfortunately, Xamarin.Forms does not expose a wayContinue reading “Tab Reselection in Xamarin.Forms, Part 1”